Thứ Ba, 14 tháng 10, 2014


Nowadays, everybody wants to live a long life. That's why there a system created that called the health care system. Health care is the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in human beings.

Type of healthcare

According to Thien's presentation, there are 4 modlels of healthcare but healthcare can also by divided to 4 type of healthcare

Primary Care: In the Primary Care, you have to see the providers (PCP) first for checking on health problems. After checking, the provider will give you the right type of practitioner. These type of practitioner can be  medical doctors (MDs) and doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs) and nurse practitioner (NPs)

Nursing Care: The Nursing Care provided 3 types of nurses

- The Registered Nurses: the nurse who register in these healthcare have graduated from a nursing program that passed state board examination and licensed by the state.
- The Licensed Nurses are state-licensed caregivers who have been trained to care for the sick.
- Finally, The Advanced Nurses is way more professional than the other, these nurses are divided into groups of nurses like Clinical nurse specialists (CNSs),

Drug Therapy: This healthcare system provided pharmacists that have graduate training from a college of pharmacy and licensed by the state. The provider will write the drug prescription that will be processed by the pharmacist. Moreover, pharmacists have to follow and check safe effective of the patient's medication.

Specialty Care: The provider will offer you a specific care due to various problems.

However, in some poor countries, the healthcare systems are not that good. Here are the top 10 countries that have a low life expectancy due to disease, and the healthcare system are not good enough to take care of all the people.

10. Zambia:  Life expectancy at birth in here is 55 years. One of the main issue in here that cause death is the diarrhea disease. It caused because of the drinking water is not clean. Children under 14 years old have a high death rate

9. Lesotho: Life expectancy in here is 49 and a quarter people that between 15-49 years old is living with HIV

8. Mozambique: Mozambique is about 23.9 million people and about 60% of them live under the poverty line of 1.25$ a day. Average life expectancy is defined at 50.77 years old.

7.Malawi: Life expectancy is low and is about 54.8 years. HIV/AIDS is the threat of the people living here

6. Liberia: The average life in this country is 57 years old. Malaria is a huge problem for the country, and in 2010 over 9 Million cases of the disease were reported.

5. Nigeria: The average life expectancy in the country is severely reduced by the drastic income inequality, to around 52.3 years. Nigeria suffers from a continual mass exodus of nurses, doctors and other health practitioners who leave looking for better opportunities outside of Nigeria.

4. Democratic Republic of Congo: The life expectancy in here is 48 years. It is too low for a country that have the population of 75 million of people. Sadly, there is only about 0.1 physicians for every 1000 persons making adequate health care.

3. Central African Republic: The life expectancy in this country is just 49 years. Sanitation problems and lack of clean water is the major issue here. Moreover, diarrhea disease mostly the reason that caused death to children under 5 years old

2. Myanmar: This coastal country once spent the lowest amount of their GDP on health care in the world and receives the least amount of international aid per capita. The average life expectancy in here is 50 years and a quarter of the population is under 15 years old.

1. Sierra Leone: Pregnant women in Sierra Leone have the right to free health care but the country lacks of hospitals to provide it. There are only about 0.002 physicians and 0.4 medical beds for every 1000 people. Moreover, there is about 60% of the  country people can not access to clean drinking water.Life expectancy at birth is about 54 years and 42% of the population is under 15 years old.

It's difficult to come up with a good solution to this problem. To solve it, the government have to look at the healthcare system in the own country and see what is the health problem that their people are living with to improve their healthcare system.

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